Fishkill Injury Attorney Serving Wappingers Falls, Beacon, Lagrangeville and Nearby Areas of Hudson Valley

Beautiful young happy smiling woman driving her new car at sunset. National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month is an automotive safety in December.

Car crashes are the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 15 and 24. Those who drive after consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications put themselves and other drivers at risk. During their first year of driving, teens involved in car crashes double their chances of being in another crash the following year and triple their chances after two years. 

In December, it’s crucial to practice and recognize safe driving habits. Here are some tips to help you ensure a safe and memorable National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month:

Plan Ahead Before Driving After Drinking Alcohol or Taking Drugs 

Plan before you drive, not during. Instead of relying on the bartender to help with planning, put your plans in place so that you can be prepared for when it comes time to drive. 

Make sure you have a designated driver if you plan to drink alcohol. If you are taking prescription medications, plan ahead and make sure someone sober can take care of you. You don’t want someone driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs because they may risk other people’s lives. 

Don’t Drive and Text

The act of texting and driving is the number one cause of teen crashes. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents and deaths in the United States. In fact, distracted drivers are four times more likely to crash than sober drivers. This holiday season, don’t text or talk on your phone while you drive so that you can stay safe and enjoy National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month.

Buckle Up

Putting on your seat belt and wearing it the entire time you’re driving will go a long way in preventing crashes. It’s hard to say what would have happened if you hadn’t worn your seat belt, but research shows that seat belts effectively prevent deaths and injuries in car accidents.

Schedule A Free Consultation 

The Maurer Law Firm offers free consultations with experienced accident attorney Ira Maurer to those seriously injured in an auto accident caused by someone else’s negligence. We serve Fishkill, Wappingers Falls, Myers Corner, Beacon, LaGrangeville, and the surrounding Hudson Valley areas. Please call 845-896-5295 to arrange a free consultation.